Ameera Atlantis

“I have worked with many different types of crystals over the years, including Andaras, this collection is by far the most activated Andaras I have ever experienced”
“An Andara is like holding a Ray of Light condensed into matter in your hands.”

The Andara Treasure Chest is Open!
Once you hold a true Andara in your hands you never forget it.
People are often in awe of the brilliant hues emanating from the Andaras. Their structure is glass-like in appearance amplified by a spectrum of colors. Resembling volcanic obsidian, they range in various beautiful shades unique to anything we have on this Earth. The first Andara was discovered in February of 1967 on the Northern California property of a Choctaw Medicine Woman by the name of Lady Nelli. Over the years more and more Andaras were discovered on her property, and Lady Nelli felt guided to begin to share them with the world.
“It is that there is always Etherium (prima Matra) present in genuine Andara Crystals. Etherium is a very rare combination of over 70 minerals that has a profound effect on our body and our subtle energy fields. The only available source of Etherium in the world is found on Nellie’s land where the Andaras are present. A true Andara carries a very high vibration much different than any other stones or obsidian crystals currently being called Andaras. True Andaras work with your DNA, greatly accelerating your perceptions by calibrating you mostly while you sleep, (Giving you lots of dreams).They work in your Heart and they work wonderfully with your intentions.”
– Mickey Magic
The “spin rate” or frequency of an Andara is very fast due to their structure consisting of monotomic, or one atom existing in the molecule. Monotomic frequencies have been used throughout history to raise our vibratory state and expand consciousness in substances such as Ormus Gold and Etherium powder.
Not only can you adopt true monatomic Andras through Andrea Treasure Chest, we also offer Andara dust infused Sacred Geometry clothing. Wisdom Wear infuses micronized Andara dust right into the ink of our prints! (See webpage for more info)
A true Andara carries a very high vibration much different than any other stones, or “crystals” currently being called Andaras. True Andaras work with your DNA, greatly accelerating and alchemizing your essence from the inside out. They will begin to calibrate with your energy field from the moment you connect and are potent for transformation as you sleep.
Andaras work with your 13 Chakras, particularly your 13th, Sacred Soul Chakra. It is especially powerful to wear an Andara, as they will assist you in aligning your intentions with the Prime Directives of your Soul.
Andaras were among the tools first given to the Atlanteans from the Lemurians to help them manage and maintain their connection to Source and keep their vibrations high.
Andaras were also utilized in the Atlantean Temple healing caverns as both a source of illumination and as frequency generators to heal and clear the Chakras.
Whether you are actively working as a healer, or simply wish to amplify your personal energetics and awakening, The Andara Treasure Chest has the perfect piece for you!
Peace, Aloha & Andara Magic,
Ameera Atlantis Mer Healer